We provide customer engagement tooland services to organizations of all sizes across all industrries

Bulk SMS
For clients who cannot afford a short code or for a reason prefer a long code to a short code, mNotify provides a medium to exchange information between them and their customers. This can be achieved through the use of normal phone number. It will also be used by some of our clients in the media and entertainment sector for voting and polling purposes. It will also be used for feedback collection, exam results, lead generation and other related services.
Bulk Voice Calls and IVR
This service allows mNotify clients communicate with their customers by calling their Mobile Number or Land Lines anywhere in Ghana with a pre-recorded voice message through a fully automated Online System. The calls are completely automated hence no operators or dialer is needed to process the call. Once the system is set all the client does is to send a pre-recorded message to a contact list through our user friendly online application.This service helps our clients to enhance their businesses.

Short Code / USSD
Short codes, also known as marketing campaign codes, are memorable digits that are 3 to 6 digits long. SMS test numbers (e.g. 2331) which are widely used in Premium Rate services such as reality show voting, donation services, outdoor advertisement, TV and Radio contribution and/or competitions. They are increasingly being used in marketing and corporate campaigns as they are much easier to remember than long telephone numbers (10 digits). They enable customer data to be captured and provide a measurable response rate.